Professional Training programs for Exchange Houses

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Are you ready to take your knowledge and skills to the next level? Getting certified is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise in a particular field or industry. It sets you apart from the competition and opens doors to exciting opportunities.

About Us

Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel, Burjuman,Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed St, Opp Burjuman Center, Bur Dubai - Dubai

Contact us at:

+971 524963705


AED 120 per person (including VAT)

Upcoming Trainings

Sl No Course Details Date Duration Register
1. Consumer Protection Training 12th November 2024 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Register Now!
  • Introduction to Consumer Protection
  • Understanding Consumer Rights
  • Transparency and Disclosure
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Compliance and Internal Mechanisms
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
2. Corporate Governance Training 19th November 2024 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Register Now!
  • Introduction to Corporate Governance
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members
  • Board Structures and Committees
  • Board Leadership and Independence
  • Risk Management and Compliance Oversight
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Governance
3. Advanced AML CFT Training 21st November 2024 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Register Now!
  • Introduction to AML CFT
  • Global AML Trends and Case Studies
  • Emerging Technologies and AML
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML)
  • AML Governance and Controls

Past Trainings

Sl No Course Details Date Duration Register
1. Information Technology & Cyber security 10th October 2023 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM Register Now!
  • What is cyber security?
  • Importance of cybersecurity.
  • Vulnerability
  • Leading threat.
  • Cyber security risk management.
  • Identifying security compromises.
  • Best practices to avoid threats.
  • Cyber incident reporting.
  • Cyber security risk management.
2. Counterfeit Detection & Fraud 7th November 2023 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM Register Now!
  • What do we understand by counterfeit currency?
  • Security features used to protect banknotes and ID documents.
  • Counterfeit currency – fraud instances.
  • Detection of counterfeit banknotes: ( AED , US dollar ,UK pound , Euro , other currencies).
  • Procedures for handling counterfeit currencies.
  • Understanding counterfeit currency detection machines.
  • Detection of ID fraud (EID cards , passports , other ID cards ).
  • How to use the human senses (vision, hearing and touch) in detection of counterfeiting & forgery.
  • Counterfeit currency reporting.
  • Security profiling ( spotting fraudsters).
  • Fraud techniques against tellers and cashiers.
  • Additional obligation of the company.
3. Advanced AML CFT 12th December 2023 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Red Flags for Targeted Financial Sanctions & Proliferation Financing.
  • Understanding complex UBO structures.
  • FATF UAE Mutual Evaluation.
  • Adherence to the UAE’s AML/CFT legal and regulatory framework.
  • New Typologies of ML/TF in Exchange Houses.
  • Indicative Risk Factors Associated with Transactions.
  • Transactions Monitoring Rules Fine Tuning & disposing of alerts.
  • Threshold analyzers.
  • How to write Quality STR, with an efficient escalation matrix.
  • Organized Crime Risk of ML in Exchange Business.
  • New Technologies evolvement in ML/TF risk.
  • Consumer Protection, Business continuity, and Complaint Management understanding.
4. Basic AML Training 18th January 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Introduction to AML and CFT regulations in the UAE.
  • UAE's commitment to global AML/CFT standards.
  • Regulatory authorities and their roles.
  • Legal and financial consequences of non-compliance.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD) procedures.
  • Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) screening.
  • Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR).
  • Risk-based approach in AML/CFT.
  • Case studies and practical examples.
  • Monitoring and reporting large or suspicious transactions.
  • Retention and retrieval of transaction records.
  • Internal controls and procedures.
  • Ongoing training and awareness.
5. Counterfeit Currency Detection 23rd January 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • What do we understand by Counterfeit Currency?
  • Procedures for Handling Counterfeit Currencies.
  • Counterfeit Currency Detection Machines.
  • How to identify counterfeit currency?
  • Counterfeit Currency Reporting.
  • Additional Obligation of the Copan.
  • Identifying the security features of genuine currency and differentiate them from counterfeit notes.
  • Recognizing and detect Counterfeit Money effectively.
  • Security Features to Prevent Counterfeiting with understanding and assurance for Genuine And Suspicious Notes.
  • Learning about the latest counterfeiting techniques.
  • Measures to avoid becoming victim to Counterfeiters/ Counterfeit Notes.
6. Advanced AML Training 8th February 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Overview of AML concepts beyond basic regulations.
  • Understanding the evolving landscape of money laundering threats.
  • Methods and types of situations where money laundering occurs.
  • Analysis of international AML trends.
  • Examination of real-world case studies to understand complex scenarios.
  • Impact of emerging technologies on money laundering.
  • Incorporating advanced technologies for AML compliance.
  • Understanding the intricacies of trade-based money laundering.
  • Implementing effective controls to address TBML risks.
7. Customer Service 14th February 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Introduction to Customer Service Excellence.
  • Customer-Centric Culture.
  • Understanding Customer Needs and Expectations.
  • Effective Communication Skills.
  • Building Rapport and Trust.
  • Product and Service Knowledge.
  • Emotional Intelligence in Customer Interactions.
  • Customer Feedback and Surveys.
8. Fraud Detection & Prevention 20th February 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • What is Fraud?
  • Types of Fraud.
  • Internal and External Fraud.
  • Anti-Fraud Framework.
  • Fraud Reporting.
  • Overview of fraud-related regulations in the UAE.
  • Compliance requirements for exchange houses.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities in fraud prevention.
  • Creating a fraud-aware organizational culture.
  • Identifying fraud schemes specific to exchange houses.
  • Case studies of fraud incidents in the industry.
  • Developing and maintaining robust internal fraud prevention policies.
  • Establishing internal controls to deter fraud.
9. Introduction to Risk Management 7th March 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Risk Management framework.
  • Governance Structure.
  • Risk Policy.
  • Risk Appetite Statement.
  • Risk Register.
  • Identification.
  • Measurement.
  • Mitigation.
  • Reporting.
  • Contingency Planning.
  • Operational Risk.
  • Market Risk.
  • Credit Risk.
  • Reputational Risk.
  • Cyber Security Risk.
  • Strategic Risk.
  • Counter Party Risk.
10. Corporate Governance & Leadership 12th March 2024 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Understanding the importance of corporate governance.
  • Overview of corporate governance principles.
  • Defining the roles and responsibilities of board members.
  • Aligning board functions with organizational goals.
  • Overview of effective board structures.
  • Role and functions of various board committees.
  • Importance of independent board members.
  • Leadership qualities for effective governance.
  • Board oversight in risk management practices.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Importance of engaging with stakeholders.
  • Strategies for effective communication with shareholders and other stakeholders.
  • Developing policies to address conflicts of interest.
  • Procedures for managing conflicts within the board.
11. Ethics & Integrity 26th March 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose of Ethics and Integrity Training
    • Importance in Professional Settings
  2. Understanding Ethics
    • Definition and Principles
    • Different Ethical Theories
    • Ethical Decision-Making Models
  3. Code of Conduct
    • Developing a Code of Conduct
    • Key Components
    • Aligning with Organizational Values
  4. Workplace Integrity
    • Promoting a Culture of Integrity
    • Identifying and Addressing Ethical Dilemmas
    • Reporting Mechanisms
  5. Ethical Leadership
    • Characteristics of Ethical Leaders
    • Leading by Example
    • Fostering an Ethical Climate
  6. Compliance and Legal Considerations
    • Understanding Relevant Laws and Regulations
    • Consequences of Non-Compliance
    • Reporting Obligations
  7. Case Studies and Group Discussions
    • Analyzing Real-World Scenarios
    • Sharing Perspectives and Solutions
    • Learning from Ethical Challenges
12. Consumer Protection 18th April 2024 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

This training will help you to gain comprehensive insights into consumer rights, fair trade practices, and regulatory compliance. Explore key legislation, ethical standards, and practical strategies to ensure businesses align with consumer protection laws. Designed for professionals in legal, compliance, and customer service roles.

  • Introduction to Consumer Protection.
  • Understanding Consumer Rights.
  • Transparency and Disclosure.
  • Data Security and Privacy.
  • Compliance and Internal Mechanisms.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices.
13. Integrated Succession Planning and Three Lines of Defence 26th April 2024 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Introduction to Succession Planning.
  • First line of Defence : Business Operations and Risk Management.
  • Second line of Defence : Compliance Oversight and Governance.
  • Third line of Defence : Audit and Assurance.
  • Integration of Succession Planning with Three Lines of Defence.
14. Basic AML Training 9th July 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Introduction to AML and CFT regulations in the UAE.
  • UAE's commitment to global AML/CFT standards.
  • Regulatory authorities and their roles.
  • Legal and financial consequences of non-compliance.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD) procedures.
  • Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) screening.
  • Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR).
  • Risk-based approach in AML/CFT.
  • Case studies and practical examples.
  • Monitoring and reporting large or suspicious transactions.
  • Retention and retrieval of transaction records.
  • Internal controls and procedures.
  • Ongoing training and awareness.
15. Customer service 11th July 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Introduction to Customer Service Excellence.
  • Customer-Centric Culture.
  • Understanding Customer Needs and Expectations.
  • Effective Communication Skills.
  • Building Rapport and Trust.
  • Product and Service Knowledge.
  • Emotional Intelligence in Customer Interactions.
  • Customer Feedback and Surveys.
16. Counterfeit detection & Fraud 15th July 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • What do we understand by counterfeit currency?
  • Security features used to protect banknotes and ID documents.
  • Counterfeit currency – fraud instances.
  • Detection of counterfeit banknotes: ( AED , US dollar ,UK pound , Euro , other currencies).
  • Procedures for handling counterfeit currencies.
  • Understanding counterfeit currency detection machines.
  • Detection of ID fraud (EID cards , passports , other ID cards ).
  • How to use the human senses (vision, hearing and touch) in detection of counterfeiting & forgery.
  • Counterfeit currency reporting.
  • Security profiling ( spotting fraudsters).
  • Fraud techniques against tellers and cashiers.
  • Additional obligation of the company.
17. Fraud Training 9th September 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • What is Fraud?
  • Types of Fraud
  • Internal and External Fraud
  • Anti-Fraud Framework
  • Fraud Reporting
  • Overview of fraud-related regulations in the UAE
  • Compliance requirements for exchange houses
  • Defining roles and responsibilities in fraud prevention
  • Creating a fraud-aware organizational culture
  • Identifying fraud schemes specific to exchange houses
  • Case studies of fraud incidents in the industry
  • Developing and maintaining robust internal fraud prevention policies
  • Establishing internal controls to deter fraud
18. Risk Management 12th September 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Risk Management framework
  • Governance Structure
  • Risk Policy
  • Risk Appetite Statement
  • Risk Register
  • Identification
  • Measurement
  • Mitigation
  • Reporting
  • Operational Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Credit Risk
  • Reputational Risk
  • Cyber Security Risk
  • Strategic Risk
  • Counter Party Risk
19. Cyber Security 18th September 2024 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Common Cyber Threats
  • Cybersecurity Regulations in the UAE
  • Data Breach Prevention and Response
  • Network Security
  • Endpoint Security
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Incident Detection and Response
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Introduction to Business Continuity Planning
  • Regulatory Requirements for BCP
  • Roles and Responsibilities in BCP
  • Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis
  • Developing the BCP Framework
  • Emergency Response Protocols
  • Communication Strategies in Crisis
  • Supply Chain Continuity
  • Technology Infrastructure and Data Recovery
  • Testing and Exercising the BCP
  • Review and Updating Procedures
  • Documentation and Reporting

About Hayford

Hayford Integrated Training Institute is the house of talent, skills and human development business. Training and development is our specialism and not just something we 'also do'. We want our clients to prosper and develop their talent in the best way possible and we help them achieve this by leveraging our expertise, know-how and practical experience.

Dynamic Learning
About Us


Foreign Exchange and Remittance Group [FERG] is an esteemed non-profit organization that was established as a result of the Central Bank of UAE's proactive initiative. FERG unites a diverse array of companies operating in the money exchange and remittance sector, ranging from prominent enterprises with over 100 branches to smaller, single branch outlets. By fostering collaboration and synergy, FERG aims to create a shared platform where all participants can thrive and derive mutual advantages from their collective efforts.
